Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Group #2 – “The Door”

This one had to be my absolute favorite of the films we saw in class Tuesday. Might some consider it a little cheesy? Perhaps. But I don’t care. It was funny, it made me chuckle, it gave me a good message, and I was left with a contented feeling afterwards. I like movies that make me happy. We wouldn’t call it entertainment if we didn’t enjoy being entertained…

I thought the message here was pretty good. To me, it fit the idea of least, because it showed how the least will enter into the Kingdom of God, while those weighed down my material items will have difficultly. It had a clear and definite message, and it didn’t seem too preached or forced. It was a lighthearted film, maybe even a little goofy, and that’s great because we can’t always afford to take ourselves too seriously. We can still pull off giving the audience a good message to take home while simultaneously entertaining them; apparently, if this group’s finished project is any sign, we can do so even at the amateur stage we’re all at.

As far as complaints go, I didn’t have many. I have to admit, I did get a little confused with the guy who kept stealing the protagonist’s stuff…What Prof Leeper said about being careful when using people as props must be true. It does seem like a rather risky move. I don’t think they did too bad a job with it, though; all I had to do was think about it for a little while. The more I did, the more he just seemed to fall into the background, and the more he seemed to become a character that was there as a “guide” and not so much as an added character on the same level as the protagonist. I think what helped this is that it was the same guy at different locations, yet it’s not as though he’s carrying the stuff with him from scene to scene. In that way, he was presented to us as a more abstract concept rather than an added character that we needed to worry about, and so it made it less confusing as to what his fate would be, since the idea is presented that we don’t need to be wondering about him at all.

So yes, I definitely enjoyed this one.


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