Saturday, September 16, 2006

"Gisele Kerozene"--a.k.a. 'That weird pagan witch film...'

First of all, I'd like to say that Blogger is evil. It deleted my entire post! Oh well; good thing I had most of it saved.

This had to be one of the most bizarre, craziest, weirdest films I’ve ever seen. Yet I find that no matter how hard I try not to like it, it’s impossible; the truth is that I found it to actually be quite entertaining.

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I mean, who would ever think that a short film about pagan motorcycle witch people would be entertaining? But it was. I think what made it work though was the style it was done in: frame-by-frame live action with some of the frames taken out. It was a unique style, which probably wouldn’t work with most plots; but since this was such a weird little story, an unusual style of filming was very appropriate. It had to be pretty tiring, too, for everybody involved. First of all, the poor actors had to do all that jumping to get the flying effect on the brooms. That in itself had to take a while, and so the entire crew had to be dedicated and commit time-wise. Then there was the issue of the editing that had to be done. Granted, I suppose that since I’m going into animation (or at least plan to) I should get used to working frame by frame. But still; to spend that much time and effort editing frame by frame for a live action piece shows a certain level of dedication right there.

I laughed a lot during it, too. I think it was mainly confused and slightly nervous laughter, like the kind where you have no clue why in the world you’re laughing, but you are anyway. Honestly, thinking about it, I have no idea why I was laughing. It was just so strange that I suppose I couldn’t help myself.

Was it appropriate for me to like this film? I don’t know...I don’t think that it’ll condemn me or anything, and I don’t think that it’s necessarily bad for me. It’s not like it’s tempting me into a life of a motor-broom-riding-witch, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it’s fairly safe. But I do wonder why I found it as entertaining as I did, especially since I thought it was fairly creepy at the same time. Okay, make that VERY creepy. Oh well...overall, I thought it was fairly entertaining I suppose.


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