Thursday, September 14, 2006

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blogging....

I know this isn't a "real" blog entry, but I just had to share.

So last night, I had this really weird dream. Granted, I have a lot of weird dreams, but usually there’s nothing special enough about any of them to blog about. This one, however, is different. Because this one I just KNOW is my subconscious trying to deal with Intro to DMA...

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I was sitting in this auditorium-type place. It wasn’t quite an auditorium, but, well, close enough. Anyway, I remember seeing a few people from class in my dream. Not everyone, and the specifics of who I did see are starting to blur, but I remember enough to know that there were people from class there. That was Clue #1 that this dream was related to DMA, but that in itself would not have been enough. So there I -- we -- were, and there was this guy on stage talking to us. It was something about God, I think, but I don’t remember what exactly it was about, I only remember that it was somewhat controversial (or at least it seemed to be). He wasn’t a speaker though, because we weren’t an audience, but it was more like we were all there to argue with him.

Then suddenly, there’s this bucket in front of him, that it took me until now in the dream to notice. And he starts mumbling something and flames and smoke start coming out of the bucket. (Yeah, weird, I know.) Everyone’s first thought is that he’s doing some kind of witchcraft or something, so we all start getting uncomfortable. But before any of us can leave, the doors SLAM shut and lock, and we’re all trapped in there.

Then, the man on stage told us all something. And this is how I know -- beyond a shadow of a doubt -- that this dream is related to Intro to DMA. He said:

“Now we will be testing your story-telling ability.”

Then we were told to organize ourselves into groups of two. And shortly after that, I woke up, realizing that I had to get ready for Intro to DMA class.

I don’t know, I just really think the two are definitely related somehow. Not sure about the part with the fire...that was just plain weird...and there are a few other things about it that I don’t quite understand either (yet when do I ever completely understand my dreams) but the line at the end seems to make sense and tie into class, if you ask me.

Anyway, I promise to write a REAL blog entry here very soon. I just absolutely had to get this down before I forgot too much of it.


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