Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Start of a New Era

Err...well...OK, I suppose today wasn't the start of a new era. But it WAS the start of our live action group projects. Today we were split into our groups and told to come up with some of the absolute basics to our project. No plots, just the absolute basics. And we were told not to get too attached to our ideas. Hehe.

I must admit, this puts me at a slight disadvantage I believe. Over the past few months, I've been a part of these "Writing Challenges" on a Christian writer's website, where every week we're assigned a topic word and we have to write a short story, between 150-750 words, based on that topic. I'm so used to coming up with an idea for a story right away and running with it, but this time, I've been told to get a general concept of the basic details before the basic plot. It should be an interesting challenge for me, though. Definitely a new way to approach it. I must confess, I'm a little nervous about it, for three reasons:
1) I'm generally not a HUGE fan of live action, and as a result, I have no experience with it. Like, what-so-ever. I'm not even sure how passionate I can be about it. But I sure am gonna try to put as much of myself into this as possible.
2) It's a group project. I'm...not so good in groups. Hehe. I don't speak up like I should. But, such is life. I'll just have to get over it.
3) So far, my group seems to be leaning more towards the abstract. I don't like abstract. A little bit here and there might be okay, but hopefully it's not too overly abstract, because otherwise people are gonna ask me what it means and I'm gonna have to reply, "Um. Well. I don't exactly know, either."

So, yes, I'm just a little concerned. But I'm also quite excited, too! This should be interesting. And, hopefully, maybe even a little fun. At any rate, I'm supposed to meet my group at dinner to iron out some stuff for Thursday. I hope that turns out well.

Just a few other comments now, slightly unrelated to all of this.

We watched a little film in class today called "Garbage Man." I thought it was actually quite clever, especially considering that I think Prof. Leeper said it was made by high school aged students. I liked the idea of the cleansing water at the end. That was nice.

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It was so weird to actually have people recognize me by name in class, but not necessarily by face. ^_^ I guess that's what happens when you're an opinionated blogger, but still. It was kinda cool, though.

And one more thing about my passionate defense of the BGB video. I do realize that it's a kind of immature humor, but I still have doubts as to the seriousness of the possibility of harm it could have. I would like to make it clear, however, that I don't intend to ever make anything like that. For one thing, I've never been too grand at comedy. For another, whether you believe me or not, I'm actually too polite to put something like that out there. Politically Correct I am most definitely not (or at least, I would like to think that I'm not) but I do agree that there's a far stretch between being polite & tasteful, and being overly cautious and "PC". And so, I severely doubt that you'll ever see anything like the BGB video come from me.

However, just in case there are any further worries......

I, Caitlynn Aley Lowe, hereby vow to wield my artistic sword with honor, respect, dignity, and caution. Furthermore, if I am found to have broken my vow, I will accept any and all scorn, clicking tongues, wagging fingers, and looks of utter disgust, silently and gracefully.

There. Have I successfully managed to ease anyone's worries? Haha....Now don't expect me not to argue about things from time to time; if I disagree about something, I'm still gonna make it known. But that's the fun of debate, now isn't it? And part of the fun of blogging, after all, is debate. I definitely didn't take anything personal throughout the BGB discussions, and I hope nobody took anything I said personally either.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger Aaron Deal said...

Sometimes, political correctness is overrated. No need to sugar-coat. Sometimes humans like bitterness (Coffee, for example...).


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