Thursday, August 31, 2006

"Baby Got Book"....MY Comments

Okay, one final thing to contribute to the world of blogging, and then I'm done for the night. I promise. I'll do my other homework right after this.

First off, let me say that I think I commented on everybody else's blog at least once. If not, and I left someone out, leave me a comment...ask nicely, yell at me some, threaten me, whatever...and odds are I'll drop by and correct my horrible error.

Now. If you will, allow me to throw my two cents in about "Baby Got Book."

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Let me start by saying that I laughed. Hard. And I am not ashamed of having done so, nor will I be.

Let me add to that, that I have every right to have laughed as hard as I did. Not because I'm a girl or a Christian or any of that, but simply, because I can and because it was funny.

I don't mean to accuse anyone of being overly-sensitive, but I mean, c'mon...It was poking fun at a music video that was WAY worse, and it was just meant as a funny little parody of the social ills in society. Do Christian guys "stalk" the streets, looking for girls with big Bibles? I highly doubt that, and only a truly dense person would gather from the video that they did.

Many of you stated that the video could be fine if watched only by a close group of strong Christian friends, but that it could be "dangerous" if it fell into secular hands. But I ask you, what kind of crowd was this video aimed at? I don't recall being told that it was meant as a witnessing tool. And even if it makes it into the "wrong hands" then...oh well. I for one am sick of walking on eggshells. I want to be allowed to laugh! And I want to be allowed to laugh at something other than singing vegetables! ( offense to certain professors here. Please don't dock my grade for that last comment...hehe.) It seems to me that we are quick to defend our "artistic" right when it comes to serious flicks, but not when it comes to comedies. And I for one would like to know why that is....

And for the record, I didn't think that it was about the guy making his woman an "object" or any of that, and I didn't think that his point was that he wanted a woman with a big Bible. I think the overall point was that good Christian boys like good Christian girls, and should be interested in looking for them rather than skanks with no morals.

So that's my apparently rather unpopular opinion on it. Agree with me? Good. Disagree with me? Also good. Confront me about it; challenge me. If I'm wrong, I wanna know. If my point is solid enough to remain standing after any and all assaults, then I can be satisfied in having it.


At 7:20 PM, Blogger Caitlynn said...

OK, good to know. I can now rest easy tonight knowing that those other laughs I heard were real and not inside my head.... :P

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Sleeper said...

Go Caitlynn!!

Your welcome to laugh at anything you want. I'm not about to tell you what's funny and what isn't. I will tell you that the rest of the world is watching and for the record...we arn't keeping house. far as talking veggies are concerned I don't recall putting any on the playlist this semester.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Caitlynn said...

It's true, I suppose that we as Christians aren't exactly keeping house as well as we should be. This video does cross boundaries. Whether or not they're boundaries that can safely be crossed is what's trying to be determined by all this blogging, I suppose. lol


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