Sunday, October 29, 2006

"The Nightmare Before Christmas"

Seeing as how I watched “The Nightmare Before Christmas” on Friday night, I figure I should blog about it. People might grow suspicious if I don’t. And that wouldn’t be good, now would it? I have my reputation to maintain, after all…

I really do love this movie, and I am very thankful that we watched it instead of “The Shining.” I know there are others who disagree with me…but oh well. Scary movies freak me out and keep me awake at night. I’m not ashamed to admit that. You could search far and wide, and odds are, you would not be able to find someone more allergic to scary movies than me. But I digress.

I really don’t think I’m all too great at analyzing what makes a movie work. That’s probably part of the reason that I haven’t been as eager to blog lately as I usually am; there have been no great controversies as of late to blog about, and I find this much easier when I anticipate a possible debate or when I can be passionate about what I’m writing. Also, when I watch a movie, I generally don’t pay attention to what makes it work—I just know that it either does or doesn’t. I should really probably start paying more attention though, especially if I ever plan on making a career out of this.

Alrighty now, I need to focus. What makes “The Nightmare Before Christmas” work? Well, the animation is really great. Then again I must admit I’m currently more than a little fascinated with stop-motion. It seems like it would be incredibly tedious and time-consuming, and yet, many of life’s most satisfying accomplishments are those which take a lot of hard work to accomplish. For that reason, I have great respect and admiration for the medium. Another thing that makes it work, I think, is the music. The songs have been cycling through my head since Friday night, and while I know I’ll soon get sick of them, it’s a good sign that they’re so catchy. (Then again, who knows, maybe they’re just catchy to me.) The characters are pretty appealing, too. I like Zero. And Jack. And poor Sally…though…everything turns out happy for her in the end, so maybe saying “poor” Sally isn’t really fitting. But anyway, the movie succeeded in making me feel an attachment to the characters, so that helps it out too. The story itself may not be too complex, but it’s intriguing enough to keep me interested, so it works too I suppose.

So there you have it. Overall, a good movie. Overall, a rather dull blog post. But, this is life.


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Peter Ahlersmeyer said...

so yea i have always tried to see the show but for some reason never got aroud to seeing it I guess ill wait and rent it over break when i have nothing else to do with my life :)


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